Webinar: Anxiety, Depression, and Substance Use Disorders in the Workplace

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 - 12pm - 1pm Eastern

This webinar will focus some of the many wellness challenges faced by both employers and employees in a particularly challenging environment. The long-term effects of a pandemic, working remotely, economic uncertainty, social and political unrest can all contribute to mental health problems in the workplace.

The discussion will touch briefly on defining some of the most likely mental health issues that may arise in the workplace as well as spotting signs that there may be emergent problems. Emphasis will be placed on identification of resources for both employers and employees to assist in the navigation through difficult times.


  • Geetika Bhojak, Global Mental Health Lead at Accenture

  • Jaime Otzenberger, Sr. Benefits Analyst & Well-Being Lead at Bayer

  • Kjirsten Tokushima, Human Resources Business Partner at Qualcomm

  • Pat Wear, Mental Health & Wellness Consultant at Disability:IN






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